Syngeneic mouse models are established with murine cancer cell lines in immuno-competent mice. These models are excellent for studying new antitumor therapeutic agents in the presence of a functional immune system. The C57Bl/6J or Balb/c mouse strains are typically employed to establish the syngeneic model.

Xenograft models utilize human cancer cells that are inoculated into athymic (nude) or severe combined immune deficient (SCID) mice. These xenograft models can be developed as subcutaneous or orthotopic tumors, allowing for the evaluation of drug efficacy specifically against human cancer cells. Our in-house mouse strains include CD1-Foxn1nu and SCID/beige, while other strains are available upon request.

Tumor treatment procedures encompass various routes of drug administration, including invasive methods (IV, IP, SC, and PO), noninvasive methods (via food), and photodynamic therapy (PDT) using a diverse range of irradiation wavelengths.
The deliverable for these studies consists of a comprehensive report that includes the study design, experimental data and interpretation, preliminary statistics, requested tissue samples, and terminal blood samples.
Deliverable: A detailed study report including the description of the study design, experimental data and interpretation, preliminary statistics, requested tissue samples, and terminal blood.
Service details: A standard study design includes 7 days of acclimatization, 5-30 days of tumor growth (depending on cancer cell line type), a study-specific treatment period, and post-treatment observation. A study design includes a minimum of 2 groups of mice (tumor-bearing vehicle-treated and tumor-bearing test compound-treated group). Drug administration can be performed via invasive (IV, IP, SC, and IM routes) or noninvasive (PO, IN, or diet incorporated) routes. Other specific types of treatment are also possible, for example, photodynamic therapy (PDT) using a wide range of irradiation wavelengths. Typically, animals are observed for clinical signs during the treatment and post-treatment periods. The tumor growth dynamic is carefully monitored. A gross necropsy is performed at the endpoint, and metastases are counted. Specific tests, such as hematological, urinary, and blood clinical chemistry analysis, food intake, histopathology, etc., combined with specific endpoints, are available on request.
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